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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectThe Musical Terms Glossary Pst aka shit u nvr knew & were afraid to ask
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=140683&mesg_id=140683
140683, The Musical Terms Glossary Pst aka shit u nvr knew & were afraid to ask
Posted by scorpion, Sun Aug-23-09 02:56 PM
I was perusing through some posts round here....and someone was commenting on a video of MJ recording his parts on We Are The World, and someone asked "is that what they call 'stacking'?..."

some folks answered yes but then went on to give incorrect descriptions...I think someone said "its when you record vocals from different distances...", which was incorrect...

and the continuous mis-definitions of "melody" and "harmony" on these boards still tugs at me soul...

so shoot...ask me what a musical term is and hopefully I can answer...

my other musical brethren PLEASE feel free to pitch in your .02...I dont claim to have all the answers and you never stop learning...I JUST learned the term "stems" earlier this year myself...

note: Im going to give you the definiton as used by music professionals...Im not going to go into semantics and esoterics...

This post was really for Monday morning, but Ima be busy so Im putting up now....

roll that shit light that shit smoke em if you got em...

Sinister Beauty