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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectRE: Yeah. Shit like "Bring back the Revolution" is knee jerk material
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=138075&mesg_id=138204
138204, RE: Yeah. Shit like "Bring back the Revolution" is knee jerk material
Posted by murphdogg, Thu Jun-11-09 09:41 AM
>for me. Its been 23 years since they've disbanded.
>Considering there are only 3 albums & 2 tours attached to
>their brand, if there's not been anything of note to warrant
>mentioning before or since, then ok, I guess. Furthermore,
>by damn near all accounts, the communal aspect of their
>"brand" was an illusion as Prince with varying degrees of
>influence from W&L, was still the driving force behind the
>"unit." That band went as far as they could and were at the
>absolute peak of their powers in 86 when they split. There's
>no way in 84 they could've done Power Fantastic & then turn
>around & demolish Data Bank. I'm in no position to tell
>anybody what they should or shouldn't dig, Prince or otherwise
>so to each its own.
>A common denominator I've seen with people still longing for
>the "reunion" is that they tend to be attached to what reeled
>them in. If PR through Parade is what got you, anything
>outside of this frame of reference will fall short. I've read
>"Prince changed after W&L's departure." Methinks that was the
>point. Its essentially not saying play with who you played
>with (as it was almost exclusively him instrument-wise on
>record) but rather be what you were at 28 now at 51.

And there it is....
