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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectRE: why do ppl do DUMB, SELF AGGRANDIZING shit like this?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=138075&mesg_id=138161
138161, RE: why do ppl do DUMB, SELF AGGRANDIZING shit like this?
Posted by murphdogg, Wed Jun-03-09 12:56 PM
>I mean who the fuck cares how you felt and what you were
>doing when the movie came out over 20 fucking years ago?!
>This shit is stupid. Why waste your time?

Is this supposed to be the new Janus?...lol

Okay, I'll humor u...If you read through the piece long enough, you (the sick-minded Troll) would see that it's not a story about "how you felt and what you were doing..." It's an actual reported piece; One of my more favorite stories that I've done over the years and a feature that I wanted to share with OKP heads in an actual Prince Month thread...

You know, it's funny...This is exactly why folks are spooked about sharing their work on this site because of asshole, nut jobs like you...Sometimes, you have to know who you are talking to, homie....Because its obvious you have no idea...

Let's make a deal Janus, I wont comment on your wacked-out posts, and you wont Troll on mine, deal?
