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Topic subjectLike NEthing else, it needs to be done in moderation....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=133897&mesg_id=133942
133942, Like NEthing else, it needs to be done in moderation....
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Mon Nov-23-09 09:52 AM
Some artists I follow, I find their tweets cool, 'cause they might tweet 3-4 x's a day, and it will be interesting stuff (quotes, updates, etc...).

I unfollowed some of my favorite artists, because they tweet promotional shit. It's all good, it's a business, but I don't need to see "YO!!! _______ is dropping on November 29th!!!! COP THAT!!! YA'LL NOT READY!!!" 16 x's a day.

Sometimes ppl tweet uninteresting things, but they don't tweet a whole lot, so I just take it w/ a grain of salt ("YO!! I'm spinning in Tokyo tonite!!!").

Doing personal shit like hollaring @ girls or whatever, posting snarks or opinions...is just putting yourself out there.