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Topic subjectRE: what does my background have to do with it.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=1&mesg_id=80
80, RE: what does my background have to do with it.
Posted by fire, Tue Mar-01-05 05:58 AM
>either you agree with my (well-informed and well-thought
>out) theory or you don't.

if you havent figured out now that ure theory is neither well informed or well thought AND that i don't agree with it, u gottalot2learn.

>if the latter is the case, then you tell me why, in
>objective terms.

i told you why down there. i'm not gonna sit & go point to point, cuz u're' coming from a combative & defensive stance on this & i'm way too passionate about church to even go there, it's the core of alot of people's being...& i don't push my feelings about god & church on people cuz thats not how i operate...& really, beyonce sings secular music & shakes her ass which isn't necessarily christian like but so did marvin, al & prince....all of us brought up in the church have a tendency to struggle with the heart & the flesh.......but just cuz her ass is hanging out doesn't mean that she wasn't influenced by jesus as opposed to mariah carey (who never danced outside of the dream lover video).

>you are becoming tiresome, as all your arguments are
>starting to revolve around the axis of "you can't understand
>because you are not

look at the michelin calling the goodyear tiresome! we treading on the same road black.

>a) black
>b) American
>c) a woman
>d) the offspring of clergy
>e) in short, you are not FIRE"

u rn't