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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectBitches Brew is crap
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=51745&mesg_id=52156
52156, Bitches Brew is crap
Posted by The Damaja, Tue Oct-11-05 09:15 AM
The Rolling Stones are mince
Ella Fitzgerald has a dullness in her voice
no one, in any genre, is remotely seeing the classical composers, on any level
everyone in a music video looks like a prat
the field of poetry is 70% bullshit
ONE song has ONE "lyric", SINGULAR. NOT "lyrics"
America is relatively weak when it comes to rock bands
Voodoo Chile doesn't really sound particularly good
great melody is the only quality not readily available/replacable to music companies.
2.5 years is far too fucking long between albums
most guitar solos sound pretty bad. or not that good.
last 8 years have been incredibly barren for great songs
some of the okp moderators are wack mofos