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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectJOIA (1975)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=44863&mesg_id=45047
45047, JOIA (1975)
Posted by el_rey, Thu Jun-16-05 10:47 AM
This one of Caetano's first albums after he returned from exile in London. Veloso and Gilberto Gil had been briefly imprisoned by the military dictatorship in Brazil, and upon their release they had left the country and settle in the UK. In that sense, this shows in its contrasting mood with the music he recorded while away from his land.

The arrangements are often overly simple (though not simplistic), and show off his quiet, thoughtful and minimalistic side. Not everyone will be feeling these like I do, but it wouldn't be right not to include something that represents Caetano during these years.

(incredibly beautiful song/chant. just voice and thunb piano)

pipoca moderna
(a tropicalia classic ... first recorded by Gilberto Gil I like Caetano's version a little more)

(another minimalistic song with just voice and percussion)

(full-on SAMBA)