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Topic subjectmeaning, could The Beatles have had anyone to fill his spot?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=40355&mesg_id=40900
40900, meaning, could The Beatles have had anyone to fill his spot?
Posted by johnbook, Mon Apr-25-05 11:37 PM
They did have Pete Best, and in the club days he was considered "the cute one", not Paul. But Pete Best was not as good of a drummer as Ringo, although producer George Martin wasn't even sure of Ringo either. But he fit the dynamic much better than Pete Best did, although we'll never know if the group would have survived had he remained with the group.

At least in the end years, when Ringo did leave the group for awhile, Paul was confident enough to fill his role in the studio.

Yet look at Charlie Watts of the Rolling Stones. Not exactly the most charismatic looking drummers, but the man can play. Put him in a jazz setting with his own group, and it's all over.

Each of The Beatles carried themselves with a sense of humor, and since Ringo Starr was "Ringo Starr" and not just "Richie Starkey", that made him appealing, along with the rings he was known to wear. People made fun of his nose, but they loved him equally (in fact, Ringo probably has more Beatles tribute records than any of the other Beatles combined).

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