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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectMany people have felt like this
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=40355&mesg_id=40646
40646, Many people have felt like this
Posted by flashiusclay, Sat Apr-02-05 12:29 AM
Particularly me. If you really love music, you owe it to yourself to put the White Album on and just rock out. I tried to get into them with Revolver too, and it didn't do it for me, I was like fuck these limey crackers, James Brown would murder their bitch asses. Then I heard SPLHCB around the Christmas that just passed... With my 24 year old ears I was able to fully appreciate the album as a complete rock solid serious artistic statement... Where would I start with why it's the goat. I mean just look at the MFn cover! There wasn't no photoshop back then... That was a serious undertaking, a life size 3D diorama of who would be at this imaginary concert... That's art, and world class legendary art at that. If you love music, you'll come around. I long to break my foot off in the ass of whitey as much as the next cat, but they transcend racial boundaries man. Real talk.