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182, *******so everyone can shutup)(***********************
Posted by fire, Tue Mar-01-05 09:16 AM

TeenHollywood.com: Your new film 'The Fighting Temptations' is all about gospel music. How important is the church and gospel in your life?

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Beyonce: I grew up in church and I really related because I know how church people can be sometimes. I grew up around very positive women. My mother owned a hair salon and I worked there, so I grew up around all these women, and they were strong. A lot were single mothers, and so I liked playing Lilly in the film. She doesn't have a perfect life, she's a single mother too with a lot of problems, and she's very earthy and very energetic.



As a very young girl, she dominated the church choir, shining as its top singer. Her father, Matthew Knowles, took an active hand in shaping her career, acting as her manager and coach.




How this devout girl from Texas grew up to become one of the world's hottest stars .. Hallelujah!

From Tanith Carey Us Editor In New York

IF Beyonce Knowles is to be believed, it's not just Prince Charles and his sons who are big fans.

The singer, who wowed Charles by wearing red leather hotpants on Sunday, says that she has God to thank for everything, from her No.1 single to her "bootylicious" rear.

A devout Methodist, who calls everything a blessing and peppers her speech with Hallelujahs, Beyonce believes God is more relaxed about skin-tight outfits than we might previously have been led to believe.

In fact, the Destiny's Child singer sees no contradiction between her sensual appearance and her religious beliefs.

"I honestly believe He wants people to celebrate their bodies - as long as you don't compromise your Christianity in the process," says the 21-year-old star from Houston, Texas, who has rapidly amassed a £12million fortune.

Many things may have crossed the minds of those who saw Beyonce perform at the Party In The Park in London on the weekend... but it would be fair to say that religion wouldn't be one of them. According to Charles, Prince William is among those smitten by the star, whose first solo album, Dangerously In Love, is also No1.

As she stole the show in Hyde Park, it was clear that since her band began its sabbatical last year Beyonce has staged a sexual reinvention not seen since Kylie Minogue gave up being the girl next door.

But the singer, who prays every day, demurs when asked if her image is more provocative.

"I'm older now," she says. "I wouldn't say it's a little more sexy, it's just a little more different.

"God is the main person in my life and I would never do anything to offend Him. Because the three of us in the band are open about our faith, it has been easy for people to criticise.

"They say it is hypocritical to wear sexy clothes then sing about God but it's not like that at all."

Judging by her success, it might be a good idea for Britney and J-Lo to get on their knees to pray, too.

Beyonce is the latest diva on the block - and she is outshining them on every front.


Born in 1981 to a loving family in Houston, Texas, Beyonce showed a gift for music before she could even talk. As a young girl, she would drown out everyone, including the church choir, on Sundays at church. Every weekend, she also took opera classes, in which she was classically trained.

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