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Topic subjectnope...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=175277&mesg_id=175378
175378, nope...
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Wed Jan-11-12 02:21 PM
>The argument TODAY was not about the magnitude of Fela's
>influence on James Brown or vice versa... I finished with that
>discussion a year ago.

Fela's influence on James Brown and vice versa are the ONLY issues at hand.

>TODAY the issues are:
>1. Did Warren Coolidge lie when he said Fela married Sandra
>Smith... at ANY point? (yes)

Never claimed Fela was exposed to James Brown by his Wife...I referred to her as his FUTURE wife because that's how she was referred to in other publications. The nature of her relationship with Fela is irrelevent to a discussion about who influenced who and to what degree.

>2. Do the linked posts illustrate that Warren Coolidge will
>reject concrete evidence that is put before him and continue
>to believe what he wants to believe (yes)

I continue to believe the truth. That truth is that Fela's influence on James Brown was indirect, minimal, and insignificant. While James influence on Fela was direct, impactful and significant.

>3. Is Warren Coolidge inclined to engage in ad hominem and/or
>conjectural arguments rather than logically sound ones? (yes)

lol...dude I rarely see you make a response to anyone where you don't either directly or indirectly insult or question a person's intelligence. You do it all the time...you're known for that around here. You're known as the guy who will start insulting once he realizes he's been caught lying or exagerating or when he realizes someone is not buying what he's selling.

>4. Is it therefore a waste of time and energy to engage with
>Warren Coolidge on a logical/factual level (yes)

All I deal with is facts....

>THOSE are the points being made here... not the thesis of some
>year-old post.
>If you wanna refute anything, why not start with any of the
>points above?

You grossly exagerated the influence of Fela's music on James Brown and the influence of Latin music on Black American music.

bottom line.