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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectcall me foolishly sentimental
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=175277&mesg_id=175323
175323, call me foolishly sentimental
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Tue Jan-10-12 01:39 PM
but i still treasure actually... "earning" knowledge, you know?

On one hand, there is a level of convenience in being able to go metal novice to metal expert within the space of a few days, but a lot of time that kind of knowledge just comes off as extremely facile to me.

>but it's closer to that ideal now than it used to be. If you
>pry your eyes away from the notable curators who stand to cash
>in, you can find all kinds of crazy shit on the internet and
>fall down any number of rabbit holes of things you never knew
>existed. In real life, pre-internet, that used to be very
>hard to do.

True... But it is still curated. Now it's just a different set of curators with a different set of values.