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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectI'm only pressing this
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=175277&mesg_id=175283
175283, I'm only pressing this
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Jan-09-12 05:43 PM
because you make it seem like I'm being insincere.

Now in said post was I making a funny... absolutely, the funny being on me cause I really didn't know the answer at the time though suspected I was reaching which is why I said it in the first place. But was I being insincere about Adele... not at all.

I got a job, a pregnant wife, and two kids. We don't listen to radio. I don't spend time out and about. Don't watch TV besides specific shows I download, and am otherwise able to mediate my intake of pop culture. Considering I have little interest in it, why suggest I'm being insincere. Adele is not a voice I know. STILL.

Big PEMFin H & z's
Mo'Nium - http://monium.tumblr.com/

"When the music stops he falls back into this abyss."