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Topic subjectcase by case
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=1&mesg_id=173
173, case by case
Posted by Wendell, Tue Mar-01-05 08:53 AM
because I think your generalization, as most are, are wrong.

I agree Yonce came up on the pageant circuit, so yes on her. But I don't even think that she tries to Soul sing in the first place. She's a Pop singer and I'm not sure if she will ever be anything more than that.

I've never listened to Joss, but I know she's manufactored.

I do think mainstream singing has made it's way into the Church. I witnessed this at a funeral a few months ago where this 14 year old tried to Yonce her way through a spiritual. It was painfully bad, despite the fact that the kid had a nice voice. But I truely believe all that changes when the singer learns the meaning of the song. This kid didn't believe what she was singing, maybe because the song about "goin home" is not really relevant to an invincible teen. I'm willing to bet that this same song has a different level of meaning after her faith is tested with the passing of a close family member though.

Soul singing is a few things, but most importantly it's selling whatever you are singing. Maybe Yonce hasn't had the material to allow/make her sell a song properly, who knows???