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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subject*crying*
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=164638&mesg_id=164657
164657, *crying*
Posted by imcvspl, Mon Mar-07-11 11:53 AM
>im mostly interested in producing artists over the age of 60.


Seriously not to knock your work with these artists, but man... man.... I feel like you're depriving the youth of your talents man. I'm not trying to see you become a big super producer or anything like that, but the care and quality you bring to the table is sorely missing from todays cats. You're probably the most adventurous cats out there, who has the true license to do take those risks, and pull it off in a manner that meets and raises standards. For that to be something only older artists will benefit from... just makes me sad.

That said if that's what's inspiring you, keep doing your thing man.

Big PEMFin H & z's

RIPL - http://www.rhythm-incursions.com/category/podcast/presented-by-primus-luta/
Read me write - http://themoshi.tumblr.com/