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Topic subjectthat is not what my original assertion even ALLUDED to
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=1&mesg_id=163
163, that is not what my original assertion even ALLUDED to
Posted by fire, Tue Mar-01-05 09:57 AM
this argument got started because i said that joss' hand wave during singing can be directly LINKED to the black church culture in america & that she copied it while looking at african american singers, then i said that beyonce's was more "real" cuz she grew up seeing/mimicking it from a young age instead of seeing it one day while watching an aretha tape & thinking "hey i need to do that to be more soulful/black"....afkap went on to say that beyonce wasn't influenced performance wise by the church, but what instead influenced by mariah carey & star search. in his original post he STARTED OUT with my praise on the black church and BEYONCES artistry as being "wrong"....what he should've done is not used my fucking name as the go to person as being fucking wrong. i don't appreciate that shit & yes i'm gonna be fucking defensive when someone that didn't grow up in america NOR in a black church tries to discount it's legacy /influence...whether they believe it to be true or not. i ahve never fucking ever throughout the course of these dialogues EVER FUCKING stated that church cred = r&b cred. if u or any of these other posters can state that point during my argument where i did that, then i digress.

otherwise, everybody leave me thee fuck alone.