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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectGANGSTA GLAM.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=158407&mesg_id=158427
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Sep-15-11 09:56 AM
y'all can defend that with Prince "palming" that broad in the video all day, but that song was the absolute nail in the coffin of me taking Prince seriously... I remember when it came out, I was clowning Prince real hard, a trend that had started when "My Name Is Prince" came out and he had shown his ass in the chaps. Prince and rap music never really got along, despite the hints that maybe it might.

We all know via The Time's music he had a flair for the "street" and a potential to go there over the years, but really, when it comes to rap-styled music, Prince fell so flat. Prince lost a lot of that edge in the 1980s, the kind that brought him respect from both sides of the aisle as well as the middle... by the time the 1990s came along, the best songs on his records were undoubtedly the ballads.