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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subject'niggers?' s'wrong with you, man? jeez
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=1&mesg_id=157
157, 'niggers?' s'wrong with you, man? jeez
Posted by Torez, Tue Mar-01-05 08:38 AM
to your points:

>>he also said current Black R&B artists are quick to lean on the church to give their careers some cred.<<<

cred? from the church? the CHURCH has no CRED. don't nobody buy music cause of the church. people buy music for 1.) hot beats 2.) catchy breaks and 3.) a decent voice. the church isn't very relevant.

>>he suspects, as do i, not that folks don't sing in the churches anymore...but that the music they release is more concerned w/sounding like Star Search than sounding like Greater New Bethel Rock Full Gospel AME Church of God In Christ Fellowship Holiness Temple.<<<

maybe. but if it sounds like that, its prolly more because there's no creative outlet for music with gospel themes, and music for radio isn't made to suit the gospel sound.

MARY J BLIGE doesn't sound like 'the church' necessarily - until you hear her LIVE. then you know.

you can't judge folks singing until you hear it live. (which backs up my other point.)

hearing beyonce on slow songs (and live) leads me to believe she CAN sing, and that the church had a heavy influence on her singing.

>>Beyonce is the penultimate example of this new phenomenon. i saw the same episode of "Driven" that Fire saw and i saw Kelly, Yonce, and them other ones doing singing/dancing drills ON CAMERA as lead by Mama and Papa Knowles. to me that meant from day 1 those girls were concerned w/being stars...not w/being 'authentic'. Yonce didn't pay her dues in a choir stand...she paid them in that basement in front of that video camera. and she paid them running miles everyday while singing...that was on camera too. those basement sessions shaped her singing much more than any choir rehearsal. if she sang in church it was a sidenote...her real concern was Star Search. (oh, and btw...she made it to Star Search.)<<<

this is all speculation, dawg. honestly, look at the current sex doused, hoochie'd up music scene today. there is NOTHING to be gained by talking about the church, or being church affiliated. its too many mugs that sell mad records that

1.) don't big up the church

2.) spit COUNTER to the church

y'all just some cynics.

what's really going on here?

Big Mell
sometimes THEY know whats best for some of US. cause some of US aint
doing right compared to our counter parts (THEY = WHITE FOLKS)

Is there any wonder why I hang out with mostly white or hispanic folks?
they arent as judgemental and dont have as many sexual hangups as black folk.

u know these muthafuckas are quick to run up on a black woman to ask her
to do some shit like this, because they know a black woman would be quick
to say yes to some shit like this...

Juxtarose (you know what i like about white guys?" they don't think having
a house, job and a car and no criminal record means they really have some
thing going on...)

* read up on IDA B. WELLS


** = all statements made about the physical traits of females are based
on Torez as a Single man not the CURRENT married Torez
