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Topic subjectnaw.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=1&mesg_id=154
154, naw.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Mar-01-05 08:51 AM
>how does being in front of & performing for a camera
>discount the church's influence on her life & singing?

i'm not talking about the church's influence on her life nor am i saying she didn't attend church nor am i saying she's not a Christian. i AM saying i don't believe she's 1 of those artists whose singing craft was honed by years of experience in the Black church. why? partly b/c of the singing/dancing on camera in that basement...the way she and those others drilled themselves b/c they wanted to be ready for their tv auditions. to me it says church wasn't her main priority. if her goal all along was to get on tv (and it was) then it makes sense she'd look to other singers who're on tv for inspiration. if her goal was to get saints to praise the lord ("praise the lord, saints!") then why was there DC boot camp going down in Houston for those years? huh?

>>Marvin's father was a minister...that doesn't mean the
>>church was his #1 influence.
>was it or was it not his biggest influence & struggle
>betwixt the world & god during his whole life?

struggle? yes. influence? no. you already know how much he wanted to be a crooner, Fire. Perry Como has nothing to do w/Black church anything. hell, Harvey Fuqua (from the Moonglows...his doo-wop mentor) was a bigger influence on his singing than church.

>that's not what i'm saying, i'm saying that beyonce knowles
>has taken it upon her self on NUMEROUS occasions to big up
>church, church singing & it's influence on her music &

b/c it's good for her career!