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Topic subjectRE: Marvin's biggest influence was not church
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=1&mesg_id=148
148, RE: Marvin's biggest influence was not church
Posted by fire, Tue Mar-01-05 08:10 AM
>in fact, a lot of the churches he went to didn't partake in
>the kind of expressive singing that is most often associated
>with black American Christianity (remember that his dad was
>mostly affiliated with a kind of obscure Afro-Judaic sect)

did the churches have singing? yes or no?

>i'm not saying that he had NO church in him whatsoever...
>it's been documented that he did do some church singing. but
>as i've argued before, his biggest influences came from the
>radio... particularly "guinea crooners" like Frank, Dino,
>Perry Como, Nat King Cole, and also from pop bluesmen like
>Big Joe Turner

did marvin grow up in the black church in america, yes or no? & the fact that marvin wanted to be like nat king cole or a black frank sinatra aint got SHIT on how he grew up & what he was initially influenced by.