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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectHe said when READ on paper they sound crazy QUOTE
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=147414&mesg_id=147529
147529, He said when READ on paper they sound crazy QUOTE
Posted by ImPerfectNick, Sun Oct-24-10 10:56 PM
Picture Jay in his laid back posture saying this in the manner in which he typically speaks in interviews. Now tell me if you think he meant I DENOUNCE ALL MY PAST LYRICAL TRANSGRESSIONS AND PROFESS TO A LIFE OF 2000s ERA CONSCIENCE PSEUDO POLITICAL WHITE ACCEPTED ANTHEMS?

"WSJ: You're famous for not writing your lyrics down as you compose them. What changes about them when you see them on the page like this?

Jay-Z: Some become really profound when you see them in writing. Not "Big Pimpin." That's THE exception. It was like, I can't believe I said that. And kept saying it. What kind of animal would say this sort of thing? Reading it is really harsh."