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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectdoesn't happen w/me b/c i listen to it all the same way.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=145828&mesg_id=145927
145927, doesn't happen w/me b/c i listen to it all the same way.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Nov-10-10 07:14 AM
as mp3s stored on my PC or iPod.

if i buy a CD i end up ripping it to my harddrive and listening to the tracks that way...as mp3s.

if i buy an mp3 from iTunes or another digital retailer i listen to it as an mp3, of course.

if i dl an mp3 from a peer-sharing service...same thing.

i used to get off on buying music too...but then i realized it was a farce b/c of the way i listen to music. i decided it made sense to save myself the hassle of going out and buying product that i'm just gonna rip to mp3s anyway. and buying mp3s seems absurd b/c i can get them for free. i feel like i'm ripped off every time i buy 1 (see: #94).

of course, i still listen to vinyl too. but i rarely go buy it anymore.