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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subject*applause*
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=145828&mesg_id=145923
145923, *applause*
Posted by disco dj, Mon Nov-08-10 07:52 PM
>it costs monetarily to produce, it costs experience (time =
>money) to create or write.

PLEASE help them understand.

>but there's something to be said for the feeling of paying for
>something. ya know? that sense of anticipation for an album
>coming out, the community of waiting at the store for the
>album or even hearing about other works at the record store.
>now even though the concept of 'community' exists online,
>often times these communities are so narrow in focus that
>there's a real diversity lacking in them to the point that
>they don't thrive.


>i almost miss the feeling of buying an album that was wack and
>then telling all of your friends about it. just the emotion
>tied to it was nice. now, it's just 'Move to Recycle
>Bin'...does a bit make a sound....??? even if i do get an
>album that's no good, i don't have the same feeling about it.
>i think that's because the act of buying the music is a
>commitment to the artist to their message, their craft, their


>as music has become kinda 'bleh', i think we the audience has
>felt the same way about music too. it's expected that artists
>be geniuses who have orgies after concerts and do it for
>free...sounds a little outlandish don't you think?


>i mean pretty soon we'll be asking musicians to play without

we're already to that point, let SOME folks tell it...

>* edit * i think music in the end requires an investment, on
>the musicians part, to invest in the taste of the audience,
>and on the audiences part to give their money but also their
>feedback about what works.

exactly, instead of bitching about how "The Mass Media" forcefeeds us. Vote with your dollars. Send Emails to labels, and artists. Stop sitting on your hands, and maybe people will release shit that's "good enough to buy".
