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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectThis Is The Part That Seems So Wrong & Infamous About The Situation
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=145828&mesg_id=145910
145910, This Is The Part That Seems So Wrong & Infamous About The Situation
Posted by Dj Joey Joe, Sun Nov-07-10 09:16 PM
>The RIAA rejected the reduced penalty for legal reasons.
>But the industry group said it would settle for $25,000,
>with the money going to a charity for struggling musicians.

Suuuuurrrrreeeee it does, we all know that none of the money the RIAA has been recieving for mad years has been going to anyone but them & to keep their employees with a job, music lawyers, & record labels paid but not to actual artists they suppose to be collecting money for.

Anyway, I do feel that the cost of making music is far from being free but obtaining it can be, do I download music without paying for it, hells yeah all the time but if I truely like something then I will go out and buy a physical copy of it either on cd or vinyl; but I will NEVER pay for digital downloading of music.