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Topic subjectwhat ppl never mention is how money makes music
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=145828&mesg_id=145904
145904, what ppl never mention is how money makes music
Posted by The Damaja, Sun Nov-07-10 08:18 PM
its what allows people have a career in music
if the money isn't there, they'll do something else with their lives

sure you'll always have some people who get obsessive and prolific about a *hobby*, and there's a tiny chance that one of them might be a genius artist, but the net creativity is nothing compared to a vibrant industry

more money = more people doing it = more chance of great art being created

if you don't believe me just watch the next ten, twenty years. music will become obsolete Šk.orr

the hidden cost of 'free music' is all the music that will never be