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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectjust cause i'm in a contrarian mood
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=145828&mesg_id=145893
145893, just cause i'm in a contrarian mood
Posted by imcvspl, Sun Nov-07-10 07:53 PM
>let's say you want to make a living as a musician by playing
>live...without records, how will a promoter or booking agent
>know what you sound like?

Join the local musicians union.

>how will they know how many people you are likely to draw or
>how large your fan base is?

Won't matter if you've joined the union.

>Making music is easy? have you done it? what's easy about it?

I think he was referring to the accepted rape artists used to be able to endure because of the promise of things like advances which allowed them to not have to go 'work for their pittance'

>>>they are destined to disappear in this digital age. sorry
>but it's just the way it is
>who will service the consumer with music if there are no

Bandcamp broke Billboard this year. I'm just saying...

> who will service the record stores?

LOL @ Record stores. I know it's not funny but LOL anyway.

>how will artists
>reach consumers who are not tech savvy or dont own a computer
>or have internet sevice?

You think those people have access to a record store?

>Who will make music if there is no money to be made and they
>all get a 9 to 5, as you suggest?..

Anyone making music for money shouldn't have been making it in the first place, but I digress.

Big PEMFin H & z's

Machine Hype - http://machinehype.tumblr.com/
Music Beef Done Right - http://www.xlr8r.com/news/2010/10/listen-red-bulls-culture-clash-g