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Topic subject"Projected Illegal Downloads" is on spreadsheets fam
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=145828&mesg_id=145885
145885, "Projected Illegal Downloads" is on spreadsheets fam
Posted by imcvspl, Sun Nov-07-10 07:32 PM
Being used to calculate risks when determining how many physical units to press up. That is an accepted norm.

>I don't think they're "accepted". There's just next to nothing
>anybody can do about it. Nobody in the business "Accepts"
>losing product to piracy. It happens, and it's almost
>impossible to stop. But it's not by any means "Accepted", I
>don't think.

When labels are 'servicing' the leading sources for 'illegal' downloads they are accepting them as a part of their business model.

>Where are you getting this? I think they acknowledge that once
>a record is released it's "out there" ( as we on OKP say), but
>they haven't adjusted any numbers to compensate for it. Where
>is this coming from?

Yes they have. There's nothing I could post here to prove that to you, but trust me they have.

> They are now releasing material which
>>they stand behind as compelling enough to get an illegal
>>downloader to purchase.
>you're implying that indie labels are inherently better than
>the majors. Let's not forget that there a lot of shitty music
>being released independently too.

Let's not move the goal posts to talk about quality. But I won't pretend like all indies are successful either. That said pulling that part of what I said out to say I'm implying indies are better than majors is interesting. Because if you read that regardless of personal preferences toward music, it is a smarter way of doing business in the current climate. You know people are going to illegally download so you as a label quality control your music to make it purchase worthy to your target demographic. Indie labels are doing this. If major labels are not (they aren't) then yes the indies are better than the majors in this climate.

> The ratio is small but achievable,
>>and enough to get the label recouped, the artist and the
>>and true fans happy.
>again, i'd like to see where this is coming from.

Again I wouldn't be at liberty to post anything in the form of proof but have a garner at this clip - http://vimeo.com/15507911 These are heads of indie labels talking. One you'll note is the cat from Ghostly. Pay attention to what he says about being more comfortable in today's climate.

>sure it is. The fact that we're all in here having this
>conversation makes it so.

No it's not. Only reason I'm in here is as a friend trying to help you get over it. No snark.

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