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Topic subjectI agree w/punishment, but to clarify...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=145828&mesg_id=145860
145860, I agree w/punishment, but to clarify...
Posted by scorpion, Sun Nov-07-10 05:52 PM
>>I dont agree with this punishment tactic.
>I do. this shit went to trial. She had THREE chances to settle
>for lesser amounts. But her lawyers wanted to make her into a
>Civic hero.

Her argument is "I didnt do it" not "I did it but I dont wanna pay" thus her refusal to pay anything...

I wouldnt wanna pay a red cent for some shit I didnt do, either...whether or not did it, who knows...

I wouldnt rule it out that she didnt do it...I can testify personally. If you rmbr Comcast accused me of doing some shit I didnt do and suspended my internet for a year...so they can suck it FOR LIFE...Comcast will NEVER see a thin DIME from me as long as I live and breathe....

For the record, I think a $5,000 fine is fair...

>>a kid who stole some jeans doesnt get 5 years in the fed
>>pen...these people CANT pay the millions of dollars in
>>restitution...so now what?
>Don't do the crime if you can't do the tiiiiiiiiiiiiime. (C)

That's way too easy...especially looking at the American justice system through a Black man's eyes...make the punishment fit the crime...

>do we throw them in the joint?...we
>>barely have enough room in the joint for the murderers and
>>rapists...so these are hollow victories...
>c'mon man. That's bullshit. OBVIOUSLY some crimes are greater
>than others. It's not a hollow victory. It's breaking up
>criminal activity, are we as a society in a place to pick and
>choose which crimes we enforce? you on that Bunny Colvin right
>about now...

Nowhere did I say let folks off the hook...what Im saying is be realistic...A)NObody is going to jail behind this shit and B) the RIAA is NEVER gonna collect that type of money, period. so these exorbitant judgements dont really do any good...

>which is why artists make royalties on blank media.

its an option....you dont get it automatically, you have to opt-in...most artists dont know WHAT to ask for in a contract, much less the blank media option...and in the end, the money made from that option in miniscule...you MIGHT be able to buy a sandwich with it...

>>I think the industry, both artists and labels, need to focus
>>on making the PRODUCT attractive to the consumer....people
>>spend millions of dollars on bullshit erryday, recession or
>>not...and when you look at the numbers, people still buy the
>>shit they WANT TO buy...ask Taylor Swift or Lil Wayne...its
>>the eternal business question--How can we make the consumer
>>WANT to spend their money with us?
>I think that's irrelevant, and people who say they download
>because of the lack of quality are full of shit. Am I supposed
>to believe they buy "good" stuff, but decide not to pay for
>marginal ones? Really?

is that really a far-fetched notion? that a shitty album aint worth your money? and to say that anyone whose ever downloaded music is has no respect for music, wants to get over, and is a filthy scumbag is a bit cut and dry...I can say that with certainty because the majority of us have partaken in pirated media in some way shape form or fashion...again, every time we look at you tube, we're partaking in pirated media...

if you've pulled an image from Google, the photographer/artist might not have authorized that...alot of us didnt buy this copy of Windows were using right now...none of our hands are clean enough to make that judgement

>>I'm on some James Brown shit--take some, leave some...these
>>days, even artists you trust are out to fleece you
>>*coughQuincycough* and we dont think about THAT enough...its
>>okay for artists to rob fans with shitty albums, shitty
>>performances, and shitty attitudes("dont like my new wack
>>money grubbing music? youre a hater!!!)but its not okay to
>>before you buy?
>listening stations, man. AND let's be real. There's a lot of
>shit we should KNOW to stay away from,F'rill. we have to
>download a T-Pain cut to find out that it sucks?

Snippets and listening stations are the dental dams of music...sure, it sounds good in theory, but who REALLY uses it like that?...are there listening stations for every album we might be interested in? will we really listen to the entire record at a listening station...how many record stores HAVE listening stations?...how many actual record stores are left????

When a friend wants you to check out some music, do they say "hey Ima play 30 secs of each song for you...if you like it, go buy it..."

nah, they let you hold the record....

the T Pain example is neither here nor there, just because you and I dont think his music is worth anything, even HE had to pay somn to make it and he's entitled to recoup his investment and sell his shitty wares to whoever wants them...

WE personally struggle with this ourselves...we get dismissed because so many ppl think dance/house music is noisy Euro music for gays only....and the only way to convince folks otherwise is to have them listen and let the music speak for itself....

>>.you will hear/see only what
>>these multimedia giants want you to hear and see...and youre
>>going to hear it and see it INCESSANTLY until you like
>Dog. As many conversations as you and I have had about new
>music, you're HONESTLY Typing this shit?
>Did the Multimedia Giants put you on to Jazzanova? What about
>Studio Apartment? Owusu and Hannibal? oh...we went out and
>found them.

Again...we've had this convo...the average music consumer is NOT like us...we are a minority like a mofo...music is not even secondary to MOST people, its an afterthought...people dont even know the names of their favorite songs("I LOVE Track 6!!!")...even in the good ol days, people were ill-informed abt music because they just dont care that much...seriously, most ppl didnt know that MJ wrote his own songs until he died and he was the most successful artist EVER...very few ppl connected the dots and realized Prince was behind The Time...3 more words: Victor St. Clair...most people dont even know how music is MADE("what's a hi-hat?")

most people buy what theyre exposed to...somewhere some dude is drinking a Budweiser because he doesnt know Kirin exists...and that's the industry's real job--to make people aware of the music that's out there...but today, instead they only make ppl aware of what they want them to buy, all other artists be damned...
