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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectI don't understand this...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=145828&mesg_id=145851
145851, I don't understand this...
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Sun Nov-07-10 04:30 PM
>the dinosaur industry needs to stop wasting resources trying
>to make examples of common-folk and instead of punishing them,
>they need to recognize what these consumers want, how they
>consume media, and adapt their business model to accommodate

You make it sound so easy. Adapt the business model to accommodate theft? It's goods and services in exchange for money. Simple. If the artists and record companies can't make money from their goods they suffer. How many industries would crash and burn if people exercised their supposed "right" to things?

I'm telling you, the record industry is gonna start relying on advertising dollars like the tv and radio industries....And they're gonna start attaching Mickey D's commercials in between album cuts. That next Roots album is gonna be sponsored by Dodge Caravan and LusterSilk hair products.lol You think radio drops/DJ tags are annoying? See what happens when that "Na-Na-Na-NAPA Know How, NAPA Know How" song drops in during Erykah Badu's next single...