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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectwell, contrary to your post title, people *do* think music is free
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=145828&mesg_id=145829
145829, well, contrary to your post title, people *do* think music is free
Posted by PimpMacula, Sun Nov-07-10 02:25 PM
and that's because it is.

until the industry is able to produce and implement technology in conjunction with ISPs that tracks every single media download scanning for infringement, the music will ALWAYS be free.

even then, you'll have start-up ISPs like Clear who won't institute those types of regulations onto their users. ISPs like AT&T already limit bandwidth based on how much a user is downloading/uploading. Clear doesn't do this at all.

laws could be passed in the near future making it mandatory to regulate and monitor the downloading/uploading habits of users, but this task alone would take years to implement to the point where it actually works.

the dinosaur industry needs to stop wasting resources trying to make examples of common-folk and instead of punishing them, they need to recognize what these consumers want, how they consume media, and adapt their business model to accommodate it.