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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectRE: more questions
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=14481&mesg_id=14578
14578, RE: more questions
Posted by DTag, Wed Jul-02-03 05:12 AM
I'm not confused. You can list the tracks but you don't have to. the whole CD will be copyrighted. Are all of the lyrics yours or are some those of the other rapper? If so, you will be authors a and b and will send in the form together for this EP. If they are all your lyrics it doesn't matter who performs it.
Since you are doing a form PA all that matters is the content not the performance. But I would at least mark the CD with a marker stating your name so they don't lose it.

DO NOT mark the lyrics or CD with a © symbol but DO put the year created on the CD.

Profane content is allowed.

IMPORTANT - just remembered: when you take this to the post office be mailed, send it certified and ask for a return receipt. This is proof of LOC sendout in the interim b/c it has a government office signature on the green return receipt once they get it. This is good because it will take awhile for you to get a file number back. Once you do KEEP IT VERY SAFE IN A FIREPROOF PLACE OR BOX