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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectWaited for probably two hours for Lee Scratch Perry at SXSW '07...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=145470&mesg_id=145570
145570, Waited for probably two hours for Lee Scratch Perry at SXSW '07...
Posted by Mole, Mon Feb-22-10 06:45 PM
... last act of the week for me. Sat patiently through a couple opening bands, then his backing band came on and was like "All right, we're gonna do a few songs ourselves then Lee is gonna come out!" This was at midnight-12:30 or so. They start playing...and playing...and playing...until it's past 2am. And they're continually promising that Lee is DEFINITELY gonna be on stage ANY MINUTE. Eventually, he did come on, but after one song the club owner gets on the mic and is like, "You guys need to stop, we're past curfew and the club is gonna get fined if the place isn't cleared out immediately." I think they did one more song then bounced, with Perry going, "America, you need a new government." Yeah, maybe, Lee, buy you need a new fucking watch.

My concert promoter friend booked him for a show on a Monday night a few months later, and he basically hid out in his hotel until 1:30 am before finally playing. And then his manager accused us of stealing money from his merch booth.