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Topic subjectJoe Satriani
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=145470&mesg_id=145543
145543, Joe Satriani
Posted by flabbergast, Mon Feb-22-10 03:33 PM
I forgot to bring earplugs though and this turned out to be a mistake of epic proportions. I was expecting it to be loud, but this was just a whole new kind of ridiculous.

First of all, i like to be able to actually hear what's being played, even if it's corny music like Satriani. All the notes were indistinguishable from eachother, everything just disintegrated into a wall of ear-splitting noise. All i could make out was the fact that music was in fact being played. For all i know, it was the best shit ever, but i wouldn't know because i couldn't hear it.

But the worst part is that he kept playing these stupidly long, piercing feedback notes. This was just pure sadism on his part. During these moments/lifetimes, i actually felt electric shocks going through my brain. I'm not even kidding, i saw flashes and everything. It was total sensory overload and for a moment, i was absolutely sure my head was going to explode like the dude in Scanners. I'm honestly surprised it didn't happen and how people in the front didn't spontaneously combust puzzles me to this very day.

Not a single person in the audience enjoyed this feedback shit, which was pretty evident as even his most loyal fans had their fingers in their ears. I mean EVERYBODY had their fingers in their ears, even the people who did bring earplugs. Several people looked like they were screaming in agony, although i'm merely speculating based on the look of terror on their faces and the fact that they had their mouth open, because no mere mortal could have been heard in there. But none of this stopped him from doing it FIVE FUCKING TIMES. What an asshole. This wasn't music, this was auditory torture.

I was pretty much deaf for 4 days. After the show i didn't just hear a ringing sound; there was also a buzz, a rattle, a clank, a zoom, a hum and a chirp. Imagine a refridgerator powered by a supercharged V8, mounted inside your skull. Pretty annoying, but still, i can't complain because this sounded much better than Joe Fucking Satriani and his feedback.

tl;dr - Fuck Joe Satriani.