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Topic subjectthat's a good approach
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=14481&mesg_id=14554
14554, that's a good approach
Posted by Tariq3, Wed Jul-02-03 02:39 AM
we (The Iron Triangle) are doing a similar thing with giving away snippet CD's. For us, since we are trying to get established there is no better way to start creating a buzz. We give these away at shows and we never have enough. This makes the stuff kinda exclusive in a way because we can only give out so many per show. Additionally, I think it has brought more traffic to our website and at the very least it's the beginning of developing our fanbase.

Little Brother gave away at least 6 free songs on the Internet, if not more. I think that it's utimately successful because people are getting a taste of what they are buying. But it's important to communicate to your fans on the 'ethics' of buying music from indy artist. I think that ultimately that you will reap the benefits of having hardcore fans that will buy your music.