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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectRE: oh yeah, it's a vicious cycle but I don't see it changing anytime soon
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=145470&mesg_id=145531
145531, RE: oh yeah, it's a vicious cycle but I don't see it changing anytime soon
Posted by Chito, Mon Feb-22-10 04:11 PM
>you just gotta adapt & figure out a way to make the best use
>of your time prior.

My only problem is, I get this feeling every time that "WHAT IF THE ARTIST DOES START ON TIME." Am I gonna be the asshole showing up late, missing half the show. So I show up a "little" late, and inevitable wait around, which usually isn't so bad if i'm with a group of friends and there is a bar at the venue.

This "what if" feeling is especially strong when I'm going to a venue I'm not familiar with or seeing an act I have never seen before.

Case in point. I saw De la two weeks ago at Yoshi's in SF. Had dinner at Yoshi's before hand, was running a bit late, waiter assured us the show was gonna start about 20 minutes late, when we walked into the club area, De La had already started, and it was only 15 minutes after the start time. I was amazed, but I guess Yoshi's runs a tight ship.