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Topic subjectlets see Quincy Jones knows arrangements and tones
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=144630&mesg_id=144683
144683, lets see Quincy Jones knows arrangements and tones
Posted by , Fri Nov-26-10 02:52 PM
what in the World does Kanye West know about signatures and compostion?

yeah Quincy Jones is overrated when compared to a Thom Bell,or a Burt Bachrach because those cats could put a clinic on in a studio.

the stories i got on Thom Bell runs circles around Quincy.

however Quincy Jones is a real Life Producer, not a Beat-maker fronting as a Producer.

put it like this give me a name on Q's level of Production and then lets debate, but you when throw fluff like Kayne West up against Quincy then yeah it is a blow out.

in terms of Musical talent, production Quincy Jones is King Kong to Kanye West's Boo Boo Yoggi Bear's baby bear side kick.

last but not least and by the way Quincy Jones knows songs and musicians to compliment what he is looking for.

do show me one legit song that Kanye West has ever been involved with?