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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectThese insatiable-ass niggas need to stop.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=14189&mesg_id=14306
14306, These insatiable-ass niggas need to stop.
Posted by ZooTown74, Thu Jul-10-03 06:29 AM
This shit is nice.

He should have added some Linn percussion to it. Would have been more icing on the cake.

Who really cares whether or not Andre is rapping or singing?

"St. Anger 'round my neck
He never gets respect..."
-Metallica (it is what it is. deal with it.)

"systematic overthrow of the underclass
Hollywood conjures images of the past
new world needs spirituality that will last
I've seen the future, and it will be."
-Prince (as Batman), 1989