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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectdiscussion in one context doesn't imply lack of appreciation in the other
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=142639&mesg_id=142755
142755, discussion in one context doesn't imply lack of appreciation in the other
Posted by imcvspl, Fri Mar-05-10 03:25 PM
>all of these things are cool, but what about appreciating them
>within the genres in which they were revolutionized? this
>music is fantastic in its own right, not just as important for
>its influence on older forms of music.

around here discussion in the context you speak doesn't go much beyond what's out. mostly because there's so much of it i guess. i don't know. give me a topic on it though.

Big PEMFin H & z's

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