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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectno offense but your comments say you're listening to the wrong folk
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=142639&mesg_id=142742
142742, no offense but your comments say you're listening to the wrong folk
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Mar-04-10 10:11 AM
>when i think of the effort that went into putting together
>the best pieces by a coltrane or an ellington and then i think
>of, say, justice, i don't think the latter is in the same
>league at all

Justice probably not. But there are artists that approach their work with the same level of attention to detail that that coltrane does, and creates a spectrum of artistry as broad as tranes palate if not broader (because of the medium mind you). but it'd be impossible to make one for one comparisons because the mediums are so different. you have to be familiar with both mediums in order to really appreciate how such a comparison like aphex twin is the coltrane of electronic music works but in the same breath isn't really adequate and probably shouldn't be said. see my reply above to the cat that said flylo is the miles of it. that's one on the flip, where i don't think he'd be able to qualify it on the jazz side. even from my position, it took a lot for me to make this umbrella comparison. i'm not ready to make direct ones, though i think i could, and could qualify them, it wouldn't be wholehearted yet.

Big PEMFin H & z's

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