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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectRE: Um... I didn't say that.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=142639&mesg_id=142728
142728, RE: Um... I didn't say that.
Posted by howisya, Wed Mar-03-10 02:17 PM
>Like I've said before, sampling is easier (in some ways) to do
>than constructing a sound from a synthesizer or a traditional

have you bought a synthesizer yet? as i said before, you can get an m-audio keystation keyboard for well under $100, sometimes $70, and it even comes with some software, but it integrates with other programs including some preinstalled on some computers.

easier isn't always best, and it certainly can't be the most artistically fulfilling.

>If you're giving lessons, I'm starving for them.

i'm not the one to do that. i think it's fine to experiment and sample whatever, but presenting them to other people, in multiple different variations no less, and touting it as your creative "expression" opens you up to this kind of criticism. if you can't tell, your creations have been on my mind recently. on the one hand, i think it's wonderful that you're bringing back new creations to the lesson, where it belongs, unlike the wasteland that is MTM. on the other hand, so far, from what i've heard, your works have been basic loops of contemporary artists' music.