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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjecthere's another key - through it the notion of performance has changed
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=142639&mesg_id=142702
142702, here's another key - through it the notion of performance has changed
Posted by imcvspl, Tue Mar-02-10 11:08 PM
>>Is it holding electronic music to
>>a unnatural standard to expect that it should develop to be
>>performed in a manner more consistent with that of previous
>i think so and furthermore would say it's missing the point.
>however, there are people doing innovative, interesting things
>in live performance, but that shouldn't be expected to become
>the standard because it doesn't fit the music, both the way
>it's made and enjoyed.

I mean when you talk about jazz performers, you're talking about people who picked up instruments that had 100, 1000 and even 1000's of years of history, and then did things that were new and amazing with them.

the oldest electronic instrument still in use today is what, the theramin, almost 100 years old. i haven't seen a master theramin player of late, but it doesn't moot my point, which is that if the instruments are new, the ideas of how to perform with them are new as well. which was the reason for my first response to the performance notion. save for the end of electricity (which may be a possibility i guess), these things will only continue to evolve and with them the notions of how to perform with them. that there are efforts being made today regardless of their popularity or whatever else, that display amazing depth of talent, is only an indication of potential which i can only believe will continue to be tapped in the future.

Big PEMFin H & z's

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