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Topic subjectRE: the 'masses' hated bop and deplored hard bop
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=142639&mesg_id=142679
142679, RE: the 'masses' hated bop and deplored hard bop
Posted by imcvspl, Wed Mar-03-10 11:22 PM
>>>i'm talking more about the niche and beyond. maybe not to
>>>scope of millions of sales, but what is a niche when it
>>>to classical and jazz when those were the prevailing genres
>>>for so long?
>>subject line.
>i was not talking about subgenres of jazz;

then why'd you ask what the niche's were? are the subgenres not niches? are the niches not jazz?

>unfair to pick less popular movements within jazz to attempt
>to debunk what you know is a true general statement, that jazz
>was hugely popular and the main umbrella genre of choice for
>part of the 20th century.

What years would you say that covers? 20's through what 50's? Three decades. Longer than rock (arguably). But the difference between 20's jazz and 50's jazz is incredible. And of course that's leaving out sixties and seventies jazz which had some of the finest moments of jazz but happened 'after the hey day' and so as such wouldn't fit into the 'hugely popular' cannon of jazz. are we not to evaluate that material because it wasn't as relevant as the emergent Rock was at the time? Or do we still study that jazz as in depth if not more so than the jazz of the hey days?

And I'm not trying to debunk the popularity of jazz, I'm merely stating that its musical (muse-ical) value doesn't lie in the popularity of it but its propensisity for muse-ings.

>>and lets not delude ourselves into believing that jazz is
>>accepted in some open ended realm. you can play a records
>>the biggest names in jazz to the 'masses' which would cause
>>them to turn of the stereo and proclaim it noise.
>who and when?

Do I have to pull out the Trane records? Now I wish *that* post had been archived.

>>playing the ken
>>burns 20 volume Jazz barely touches the surface.
>yet it *is* jazz and represents music that was popular and
>made by talented musicians, whether to your taste or not

Who said it wasn't my taste. I love that stuff. But I don't think it is anywhere near all that jazz has to offer, and its omissions are glaring in favor of a certain picture of jazz which I disprove of. Not the musicians or the music. But the history it attempts to write.

Big PEMFin H & z's

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