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Topic subjectRE: i used to say this back in the '90s and early '00s.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=142639&mesg_id=142664
142664, RE: i used to say this back in the '90s and early '00s.
Posted by ajiav, Tue Mar-02-10 05:24 PM

>i'm talking more about the niche and beyond. maybe not to the
>scope of millions of sales, but what is a niche when it comes
>to classical and jazz when those were the prevailing genres
>for so long? *instrumental* electronic music could never
>compete with vocal pop music, but it became it. comparing
>instrumental to vocal (electronic and otherwise) music doesn't
>make sense, so in that regard, i am only talking about people
>who listen to and are interested in instrumental music that is
>electronic, regardless of whether the listener would call it
>that (the term is a nonstarter for many, who consider it gay,
>weird, white, nerdy, unfunky, etc.). it used to be that, for
>these people, the most popular and known artists were truly
>talented. less so now.

Perhaps that is part of the transition from niche to mainstream culture, it becomes watered down in moving towards accessibility? Originators displaced and obscured by imitation until such time as their contributions are properly canonized and acknowledged? Electronic music is young enough I don't think it has fully solidified yet.

May I also ask do you have any particular newer favorites in the modern era that you perceive as fulfilling a similar role as the marginalized artists from before, or that you like equally? Not necessarily the same style, but a similar attitude or approach.

At any rate, I appreciate all of the thoughtful responses.