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Topic subjectRE: r kelley writes songs for stupid people
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=13960&mesg_id=14143
14143, RE: r kelley writes songs for stupid people
Posted by eldealo, Mon Aug-04-03 01:52 AM
i thought he made a wise choice writing 'fortunate' for maxwell. that is the first example off the top of my head in which kelly made a wise decision. though for the most part...i agree with the lowest common denominator. his problem is that he tries to appeal too much to the public instead of just concentrating on the music. that is why his shit is all over the map. he may perhaps be the most schizophrenic artist in the business as far as his direction with an album.

ERIC LEEDS: "The N.E.W.S. took as long as the CD is! P counted it off, gave us a key and we just played. At the end of it, I packed up my horns and went home. Now that's my idea of a session."

RHONDA: "There weren't overdubs with N.E.W.S, we just hit it!"

RHONDA: RHONDA: "Yes, N.E.W.S was improvised."