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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectRE: fact
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=13960&mesg_id=14140
14140, RE: fact
Posted by eldealo, Mon Aug-04-03 11:42 AM
there is a post further up in which ?uest did not even feel it was an appropriate comparison.

r definitely resusitated the isley's career. not necessarily for the better in my opinion. some of it sounds alright, but a talented producer tries to really get inside the artists head. kelly just throws them his outtakes practically. same problem with so many producers nowadays. neptunes, timbaland, etc. its as if the isley's had nothing to offer in return. just a one way street. instead of trying to analyze why people love the isley's in the first place, kelly just makes them sound like him.

ERIC LEEDS: "The N.E.W.S. took as long as the CD is! P counted it off, gave us a key and we just played. At the end of it, I packed up my horns and went home. Now that's my idea of a session."

RHONDA: "There weren't overdubs with N.E.W.S, we just hit it!"

RHONDA: RHONDA: "Yes, N.E.W.S was improvised."