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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectit was a joke, relax, and the reason why i say r
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=13960&mesg_id=14130
14130, it was a joke, relax, and the reason why i say r
Posted by buildingblock, Sat Aug-02-03 07:00 PM
is better because i like his music better than d'angelo's

d'angelo is talented, but his choices in harmonies, melodies, subject, drum beats, and whatever else he puts into his creative process to concoct a song; whenever it comes out as a final product, those ingredients together just don't "move" me the way that r kelly's choices of combinin' and choosin' ingredients do

it's a "feel" thing, i guess you can say

your choice in artists is respected

but you still need to let go of his cock... :)