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Topic subjectRE: There ain't ENOUGH R. Kelly Fans in here
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=13960&mesg_id=14053
14053, RE: There ain't ENOUGH R. Kelly Fans in here
Posted by eldealo, Fri Aug-01-03 09:58 AM
personally, i don't even put them in the same category.

r. kelly is a great songwriter. but as far as his lyrics....many times they are god awful. too elementary. simple is fine, but when his shit is corny....damn. he tops the list for that. you are foolin yourself if you say otherwise. but this, does not have to take away from what he has already done or is still doing. not only has he put out some solid material for himself, he has for others as well. and he has a fairly diverse repertoire. r.kelly's voice has more range to it than d's. but i prefer d'angelo's vocal arrangements better in the area of multi-tracking his voice. which is not an easy thing to do.

d'angelo in my opinion is more of a craftsman. sometimes to a fault. but i dig most of his music. to me, his music has more depth and like r.kelly has some great jams to have sex to. but the list is almost non=existent for him as far as a jam you can party to. but i don't know if that has ever been his focus. i'm not in a position to answer that.

ERIC LEEDS: "The N.E.W.S. took as long as the CD is! P counted it off, gave us a key and we just played. At the end of it, I packed up my horns and went home. Now that's my idea of a session."

RHONDA: "There weren't overdubs with N.E.W.S, we just hit it!"

RHONDA: RHONDA: "Yes, N.E.W.S was improvised."