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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectRE: "Production" is overrated...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=13862&mesg_id=13953
13953, RE: "Production" is overrated...
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Thu Aug-14-03 09:48 AM
I'm not sure "overrated" is the right word.

"Overbearing" maybe, because that's the problem with today's music.

To clarify my point, I'm speaking about Rhythm & Blues (not Rhythm & Business, or Rap & Bullshit).

The "tastemakers" (labels, critics, radio) have shifted their focus from pushing SONGS. Songs with meaningful verses, vamps, choruses and bridges. I DARE ANYBODY to name a current R&B song that AIN'T 4/4.

Let's face it - for the general public at large, we like to be TOLD what to buy. We don't wanna do the homework ourselves. So the talented artists are relegated to relative obscurity and modest audience attendance at their shows.

So the stuff that IS well written FIRST and produced SECOND slips through the cracks.

Former ?uesto-endorsed Player Of The Week --- AND BECAUSE I have this honor, I will now SHAMELESSLY bite one of his moves:

_ h _

_ _ _ _ r _

O _

_ _ e

_ _ r _ _

_ _ _ b _ _ _

*****COMING APRIL 2004*****

Fuck ALL of these shower singin' ass muthafuckas.