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Topic subjectgood lyrics can make a song better though
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=13862&mesg_id=13940
13940, good lyrics can make a song better though
Posted by TrickyKid, Thu Aug-14-03 08:41 AM
>i was about to point out that he was assuming (wrongly) that
>the lyrics IS the song.
>some people feel that a song is a certain balance between
>music and lyrics working together and I think there's
>currency to that idea, but in my experience, I've found that
>the song is really the melody and the changes… lyrics are
>often an afterthought

i dont mean you have to be dylan or someone, but the melody could be the most beautiful thing in the world but if the words dont resonate/arent believable/dont fit into the structure/arent related well phonetically, i dont think people will care. as you doubtlessly know, that was the reason for artists having writers to specifically pen the words. sometimes i wish they still did.