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Forum nameThe Lesson Archives
Topic subjectIt's ironic your name is Greg....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=17&topic_id=13862&mesg_id=13895
13895, It's ironic your name is Greg....
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Thu Aug-14-03 09:10 AM
Because most of what you sayin' sounds like some shit I would say:

Except this:

>I put the blame squarely on the technological advances in
>recording and making music. It has really dumbed down the
>whole creative process.

I mean, that's like sayin' "I'm mad because I invented the toaster oven so people could make fancy toasted bread, and HERE THEY GO putting pizza in it!!" You can't be mad at the advances because no-talent hacks abuse them.

>All the great producers and songwriters say it over an over
>again...If a song can be felt when it's stripped down to
>just piano or guitar, etc then you know you have a solid

I wholeheartedly agree.

>The industry is track driven.

Especially since hip-hop has dominated the music scene. EVERY hit R&B/POP/ROCK song I hear on the radio has one part. The shit hardly moves anywhere.

>If I work with an artist I have to come to
>them with a bag full of tracks rather than
>coming together, talking about what we
>want to write about, then working out
>ideas at the piano or presenting my ideas at
>the keyboard. I love working like that!!

Even though I only do hip-hop and I don't play any instruments, I still like to work the same way. I try to have at least two different samples in my beats though - to distinguish the hook parts from the verse parts. I think I've taken it as far as I can as a NON-musician. That's why I'm working with people who CAN play. I provide the boom bap, and they work the melodies.

Former ?uesto-endorsed Player Of The Week --- AND BECAUSE I have this honor, I will now SHAMELESSLY bite one of his moves:

_ h _

_ _ _ _ r _

O _

_ _ e

_ _ r _ _

_ _ _ b _ _ _

*****COMING APRIL 2004*****

Fuck ALL of these shower singin' ass muthafuckas.